Thursday, November 17, 2011


My husband and I spent last week in Hawaii.

And I want you to know that I was -- from the bottom of my heart -- fully intending to write a blog entry from there. But I am here to admit that instead of chronicling my parental mishaps, I did a few other things. 

Here is a short summary.

  • I thought a great deal about whether the whole "no drinking while pregnant" thing still applied while I was out of the country. 
  • Then I remembered that I was, in fact, in the country and invested a great deal of time trying to concoct alternate justifications for downing a few lava flows.
  • Then I used the enhanced buoyancy of my 7-month-pregnant belly to do a little snorkeling.
  • Then said belly encountered the coral reef and I realized that snorkeling was not for me.
  • Then I sat upon a lounge chair and read 'THE HUNGER GAMES' (which, for the record, I feel that someone might have warned me was the world's most depressing thing EVER before the plot sucked me in for three books' worth).
  • Then my husband emerged from the water, plopped down beside me, and we, knowing that our children were thirty-five-hundred miles away in the care of my mother-in-law, chose to spend the rest of our time together doing something romantic, bonding and truly soul-nourishing - which was, of course, pointing at laughing at other couples struggling to deal with their own small children.
And it was awesome.

So, that's all I've got for this week. EXEPT this brief but hopefully exciting announcement! I am now contributing to a really funny new humor site aimed at moms. It also features writing from a bunch of other great writers including Brenna of Suburban Snapshots.

Go visit!